My dear friend, today we can find hope in the Lord Jesus, and He will bring new hope into your life. This comes from the word of God in Psalm 30:11. The psalmist says, “You have turned for me my mourning into dancing; You have clothed me with gladness.” Look how the psalmist is rejoicing in the Lord. “You've turned all my mourning into dancing, Lord.” This will also be true for you, my friend. The time for joy and dancing is coming. The Lord will completely turn things around for you. 

Look at the life of Naomi. Her life was marked by tragedy as she lost her husband and both of her sons. Overwhelmed by sorrow and bitterness, she said, "Call me Mara because my life is full of bitterness. The Lord had taken me full, but now He has made me return empty. I am empty!" She was mourning and mourning, asking the Lord, “Why?” My friend, the Lord allows certain things in our lives for different reasons in each person's life. Yes, He allows this path of mourning. But my friend, the Lord is also compassionate towards us, and He makes us rise up again. So, the Lord heard these words from Naomi, and He said, “No, I will not leave My daughter's life like this”, and showed compassion to her. He provided her with a loyal daughter-in-law, Ruth, who stayed by her side and loved her as her own mother. Eventually, the Lord also built Ruth's life with another husband, Boaz, and He made Naomi’s family complete again. God blessed Naomi and her generation, and through this generation, the Lord Jesus was born. What a wonderful God we serve! He blessed Naomi and her family despite her past sorrows.

My friend, God will take care of you. He will turn your mourning into dancing and gladness. Right now, shall we receive this love from Jesus and believe?


Dear Lord, I am grateful for Your loving promise. You have never forgotten to bless me. You have carved me on the palm of Your hand, and my walls are continually before You. You have seen my tears, heard my cries, and know my pain. You will rise up from Your throne to deliver me and bless me on all sides. For all the years I have seen misery, Lord, You will restore everything in my life and fill my mouth with songs and laughter. I believe in Your promise and declare that my days of mourning have come to an end. The time of miracles, breakthroughs, and gladness is at hand. Thank You, Lord, for Your mercy. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.