Dear friend, in Job 8:21 (AMP), Bildad, Job's friend, said, "He will yet fill your mouth with laughter, and your lips with joyful shouting [if you are found blameless]." Bildad's comment had an accusing tone towards Job.

In the previous verses, in the fifth and sixth verses, he said, "If you will seek God earnestly and plead with the Almighty, if you are pure and upright, even now He will rouse Himself on your behalf and restore you to your prosperous state." Bildad continued to accuse Job, thinking Job must have done something wrong, but then finally said, "May God restore you to your prosperous state." This was something prophetic. According to his words, the Lord did restore Job back to his prosperous state. The Lord gave him back everything in double measure - even his animals. What a good God we have, isn't it? The Lord really filled Job's mouth with laughter and with joyful shouting. 

Yes, when God blesses us, He wants us to be joyful. Whenever I would receive a promise from God, the Lord would often say to me, "My daughter, shout! My daughter, rejoice! Shout with joy." May this Lord also fill your mouth with laughter and shouts of joy. Perhaps you are looking at your life today and struggling to find reasons for laughter and joy. No matter how big or small your struggles may be, God will restore you twofold. Everything will come back to you in double measure.

Today, you may be feeling like you are losing something and crying over it, but there is hope. Your blessings are on their way back to you. In Romans 15:13, Paul said, "May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in Him, so that you may overflow with joy by the power of the Holy Spirit." This means that through the power of the Holy Spirit, you will be filled with joy and peace. Just as Psalm 30:5 says, "Weeping may endure for a night, but joy comes in the morning." This means that your sorrow will be turned into joy. Your mouth will be filled with laughter and shouts of joy. Don't lose hope and say, "I've been waiting for a long time." Know that the Lord is blessing you today, my friend. You will be filled with laughter and joy. May the Lord fill your mouth with God's goodness.


My dear Father, I pray that this promise will come true in my life. Please restore everything that I have lost. Bring blessings into my life miraculously. You understand my secret pain and tears, and I know that You have kept a record of them in Your tear bottle. Lord, I ask for an end to these days of agony and for Your blessings to be restored in double measure. Fill my life with joy and laughter. Turn all my mourning into dancing right now. Thank You, Lord, for turning everything around for the better. In Jesus’ name, I pray, Amen.