My dear friend, today's promise is from II Corinthians 4:16, "Though our outer self is wasting away, our inner self is being renewed day by day." Some of you may be thinking, "I am older now. I worked all my life, and now I am retired. I have children, they have children, and now I am enjoying all the blessings in my life." And now you may be feeling like you are just passing the days away. Some of you may be wondering, "Is this all? When will my time come?" But my friend, even though your body may be getting older, if you are rooted in the word of God, your inner self is being renewed day by day. 

We see this in the life of Mother Teresa. Even as she aged, she continued to serve God by helping and caring for those in need. At the age of 69, she was honoured with a Nobel Prize, and later in life, she received the Medal of Freedom. In the Bible, we can also learn from the example of Abraham. God made a covenant with him when he was 99 years old, and the following year, at the age of 100, he saw the covenant fulfilled. Before receiving the covenant, Abraham may have felt discouraged and old, thinking that he would never have children and blessings in his life. However, God kept his promise, and Abraham witnessed its fulfillment during his lifetime.

Even in your life, you may feel like saying, “My life is over.” But regardless of your age or the current time, God will provide you with a plan, a purpose, and a covenant for your life. Your future generations will be blessed through it. I have witnessed this in my grandmother's life. She faithfully stood by her husband, Brother Dhinakaran, supporting him through prayer. Eventually, she initiated a ministry for women to pray for their families and for all the women around the world, called the Esther Prayer Group. She also authored numerous books to aid women in raising godly families. Even today, at over 80 years old, she dedicates every minute of her day to contemplating, “How can I continue living and serving my Lord Jesus?” She writes books, prepares messages to inspire women, leads the Esther Prayer Group, and motivates many women to pray for their families. Never once does she say, “I am old, so I should stop and rest. I just need to relax in my home and care for my children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren.” Alongside her family responsibilities, she serves the people by serving the Lord Jesus with all her heart.

My friend, don't say, "My body is wasting away, so my life is over." Continue to keep your family in prayer, serve the people around you, and fulfill the mission God has given you to love and care for others. Also, continue to pray for all those around you. God will keep you as a blessing and bless the generations to come, ensuring that your name becomes a legacy.


Dear Lord, thank You for never giving up on me and for promising to renew my spirit day by day. No matter my age or situation, Your calling and purposes for my life are always higher, and they persist. Please strengthen my feeble hands and help me to spend quality time with You, meditating on Your word and prayer. Precious Holy Spirit, lead me into all spiritual truth and help me bear much fruit for Your glory so that Your presence will bless people around me. Let me walk closely with You daily and become a blessing to my loved ones, shining Your light to generations to come. Thank You, Lord, for Your mercies. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.