Dear Friend, In Psalm 34:7, the Bible says, "Delight yourself in the Lord, and He will give you the desires of your heart." Delighting in God means eagerly looking forward to spending time with Him. The first thing we should do is seek happiness in God. This year's promise is also the same. Isaiah 58:14 says, "You shall take delight in the Lord." Nehemiah 8:10 says, "The joy of the Lord is your strength." I know the Lord will give you the joy of the Holy Spirit from this time on, in increasing measure.

You will become like Mary, who chose to spend time with Jesus, whom she loved because she delighted in Him. Delighting in the Lord truly transforms your character. It removes your sinful addictions. The Bible says in Psalm 97:10, "You who love the Lord, hate evil." When we hate evil, we can genuinely enjoy the presence of God. We have to do our part in delighting in the Lord, and God will do His part in fulfilling the desires of our hearts. Then, before you call, the Lord will answer. While you are still speaking, the Lord will hear.

I want to share a testimony about a sister named Divya from Coimbatore. She experienced a miscarriage and was also facing financial problems. On April 10th, she and her husband came to the Bethesda Prayer Center and attended a blessing meeting. During the prayer time, when I was praying for the people to be filled with the Holy Spirit, both of them received the anointing. From that time on, everything changed. Sister Divya completely recovered, and the Lord blessed her husband with a good job. They were able to clear their major debts. Today, Divya and her husband have a beautiful two-year-old daughter. The Lord has truly made them happy. They are thankful and now lead their lives with the joy of the Holy Spirit. 

Similarly, the Lord will also help you enjoy your family life. You will truly delight yourself in the Lord. All your heart's desires will be granted, and your sinful addictions will leave you. The Lord will set you free.


Dear Lord, I delight in You and seek happiness in Your presence. Thank You for the promise that as I delight in You, You will grant me the desires of my heart. Fill me with the joy of the Holy Spirit, and transform my character. Remove my sinful addictions and help me to hate evil, so I can truly enjoy Your presence. I trust You to bring blessings into my life. Grant me the strength and joy that comes from You alone. Help me to always seek You first, knowing that You hear my prayers and will answer them. Thank You for Your love and faithfulness. In Jesus name, I pray. Amen.