My dear friend, today's promise is from Psalm 46:11, which says, "The Lord Almighty is with us; the God of Jacob is our fortress." You are not an orphan. You are not a lonely, forgotten person. The Almighty Lord is with you, so you are not alone.

A dear sister, Muthalambikai from Viluppuram in Tamil Nadu, shared this testimony. She had two sons. They are Young Partners. She is a teacher, and her sister's son met with an accident. A 10-ton granite slab fell on him, and when they moved the slab, they found him motionless and severely wounded. They rushed him to the hospital. From his hip to his legs, all his bones were broken. The doctor said he was almost dead, and even if he survived, he would be a vegetable despite the surgery they may do and the treatment he may receive. At the time of the accident, he was recently married, and it broke the hearts of his family members. Sis. Muthalambikai comforted the boy's family, especially his newly wedded wife, and connected her with the Jesus Calls Prayer Tower, and the prayer warriors cried with them and prayed for a miracle. They prophetically declared, "Surely God will raise him up and make him walk again." The Lord heard that prayer. The boy was totally healed in just three months and began walking normally. Today, he takes his wife on his motorbike across the city. The Lord Jesus is alive, even today, and He will be your refuge.   

The God of Jacob, the one who cried, 'Unless You bless me, I will not leave You,' shall be your fortress. He will not leave you. He will be your fortress. Whatever trouble you may be going through, He will be your fortress. He will deliver you, lift you up, and bless you. In your trouble, He is always your eternal refuge. Today, He will deliver you. Today is the day of deliverance, my friend. So, cheer up! 


Dear Father, thank You for encouraging me through Your promise and assuring me that You are always with me to help me. Trusting in Your promise, I pray that Your hand of deliverance will come upon me and my household so that we will be delivered from every sickness, every lack, and every peaceless situation. Let Your perfect blessings and gifts be released upon our lives, and we shall experience Your deliverance in every aspect of our lives. Lord, I cast every burden at Your feet and believe that You have begun a good work in me, and You are faithful to complete it. You have always been my eternal refuge and fortress, my God, in whom I fully trust. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.