Dear friend, God’s promise for today comes from Psalm 34:5: "Those who look to Him are radiant, and their faces shall never be ashamed." In John 8:12, Jesus said, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.” Those who look to Jesus will have their faces radiant, shining with light and honor. No demonic spirit can bring darkness, no sin or sickness can overcome, no financial trouble can destroy, and no words from wicked or jealous people can ever bring shame. The face of Jesus shines upon those who look to Him for everything.

In your worst circumstances, look to Jesus. He is full of light and will change your sorrow into joy, transforming your darkness into light. There will be no more shame in your life, no more sorrow in your spirit, no more sin, and no more waiting for blessings. The light of God will shine upon you, and blessings will flow into your life through Jesus.

My friend, for your encouragement, let me share this testimony. Sister Purnalatha from Chennai and her husband, Dhanasekaran, got married in 2003 but had no children for 14 years. They went through eight IVF treatments without success. One child was conceived before the IVF treatments, but sadly, there was a miscarriage. This situation caused many fights with their relatives, and they eventually ran away from their town. They came to the D.G.S Dhinakaran Memorial Prayer Tower in Chennai. She took her husband to the chapel there and said, “Let's cry to God and pour out our sorrows before Him in this chapel.” Her husband had already prepared everything for suicide, but his wife insisted, “Don't ever think about it. Let's pour our hearts before the Lord in this chapel. Where we went through shame, God is going to honor us.” God heard their cry in the Prayer Tower. You won't believe it, but within one month, after 14 years of barrenness, she conceived. God protected the child in the womb and gave them a beautiful, perfect baby boy. In the same place where they experienced shame, God honored them, and they now rejoice over the blessings they received in the Prayer Tower of Jesus Calls. Those who look to Jesus shall be radiant, and their faces shall never be ashamed. Do not be afraid. Jesus is the light of the world and His light will dispel darkness in your life.


Heavenly Father, I come before You with a heart full of gratitude for Your promises. I look to You and trust that my face will be radiant and never ashamed. Jesus, You are the light of the world, and I believe in Your power to transform my darkness into light and my sorrow into joy. In my hardest moments, I choose to look to You, knowing that Your light will shine upon me, bringing honor and dispelling every shadow of sin, sickness, and trouble. No demonic force, financial struggle, or harsh words from others can bring me down, for I am covered by Your light and grace. I lift up my spirit to You, Lord, and ask for Your blessings to flow into my life. Fill me with Your hope. Thank You, Jesus, for being my light and my salvation. I place my faith in You and await the blessings You have in store for me. In Your holy name, I pray. Amen.