Dear friend, today God is with us as Immanuel, meaning “God with us.” He longs to walk closely by your side, not as a distant figure but as a loving friend. He desires to teach us a powerful truth from His word in Psalm 94:19, “When the cares of my heart are many, Your consolations cheer my soul.” What a beautiful verse, capturing the very essence of God! He doesn’t look at the surface—at our outward appearance or our forced or fake smiles. He gazes deep into our souls, seeing every burden we carry, every fear we hide. God doesn’t want our hearts weighed down by sorrow and anxiety. He is here to lift us up, to comfort us, and to restore our souls.

Even though God is mighty and great, He cares deeply for our small and fragile souls. He is concerned with our every pain, no matter how great or small. I’ve seen it first-hand. Many people come for prayer, bringing long lists of requests, each one a reflection of the many struggles they face. When I hear their stories, my heart breaks for them. Some women, while I pray for one concern, reveal yet another and another, and the weight of their suffering is overwhelming. The cares of their hearts are truly many, and sometimes, it feels impossible to imagine the depth of their pain.

But today, God’s word promises that His consolations will cheer your soul. He will lift you out of the pit of sorrow and give you comfort. That’s what Jesus promises in Matthew 11:28, “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.” And in Psalm 23:4, the Psalmist proclaims, “Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for You are with me. Your rod and Your staff, they comfort me.” As a shepherd comforts his sheep, God comforts us.

Remember how Jesus calmed His disciples when they were terrified in the storm. The winds were fierce, and their boat was rocking, but Jesus simply said, “I am with you. Why are you afraid?” God stood with Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego in the fiery furnace, reassuring them, “I am with you. Don’t be afraid.” He sent His angel to care for Elijah when he was filled with fear and despair, saying, “Elijah, rest and eat.” God’s care and compassion never fail.

He wants the same for you. No matter what you are facing, don’t be afraid. God is caring for you in this very moment, reaching out to comfort you in your time of trouble. The greater your suffering, the greater His comfort will be. He did this for my own grandfather during his times of severe trial and illness. God revealed Himself to him, showing him visions of heaven and the saints to encourage him. When you are at your lowest, God will show Himself to you too. He will come to you, bringing His presence and filling your heart with joy.

In your suffering, you will see Him. Though you may endure hardship for a little while, take heart—your sorrow will be transformed into joy. God Himself will be your comfort.

Loving Lord, I thank You for Your precious promise of love and comfort. Right now, I ask You to care for me, Lord. I long to feel Your comforting presence surrounding me. Please bring Your consolation into my heart and love me as tenderly as a mother loves her child. At this moment, I feel alone with no one to turn to for comfort or help. You are my only source of peace, my only refuge. So, Lord, wrap me in Your loving arms. You are the balm of Gilead, the only one who can heal my wounds and mend my brokenness. Let Your consolation flow over me like a river, washing away every worry and fear. Increase my faith, Lord, and let Your miracle-working power begin to move in my life. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.