My precious friend, God wants to keep you alive and well in everything. In Ephesians 2:5, the Bible says that God made us alive with Christ even when we were dead in transgressions. It is by grace you are saved. Jesus said, "I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live." When you are in Christ, you will experience resurrection and die to transgressions and sin. This is the power of God coming upon you right now. You will die to sin as you confess and turn to God, handing over every weakness to Him. You will be connected to Jesus, the only one with the power to forgive sins. He sacrificed Himself on the cross, shedding His blood for the forgiveness of your sins and mine. By His blood, we are cleansed from sin today. He will cleanse and transform you. As you surrender to Him, you will die to transgressions and live in Jesus. There will be resurrection in every area of your life.

Karunagaran from Bangalore shared this testimony: His wife's name is Selvi, and he was a painting contractor with three children, but he struggled with alcoholism. His wife was overwhelmed with the responsibility of raising the children and managing the family. One day, while watching the Jesus Calls TV program, I prayed for those addicted to alcohol. At that moment, Karunagaran went to his room, and as his wife cried out to God to deliver her husband, someone entered the room and touched him. He got up as a new man, free from his craving for alcohol. All his addictions were gone, and he started working well. They enrolled their children in the Young Partners Plan and themselves in the Family Blessing Plan of Jesus Calls. God blessed them, lifted them up, and gave them their own house. What a great joy! When you are in Christ, you will come alive. Give your life to Jesus, and you will experience true life.

Embracing Christ brings transformation and resurrection in every area of your life. Just as Karunagaran's life was renewed and his family was blessed, you too can experience freedom from sin and a renewed spirit. Surrender to Jesus, and let His power cleanse and uplift you. Through His grace, you will truly come alive.


Loving Father, Let every sin and craving for sin leave me in Jesus' name. Every addiction, leave my blood and my spirit. Set me free, Lord. Even as I leave the drugs, let me not have any withdrawals, Lord. Strengthen me by Your power. Resurrect me. Prosper me. Bless my studies, prosper me in my job and business. Honor me richly. Give me good health and peace. In Jesus' name, I pray. Amen.