My precious friend, Luke 1:45, says, "Blessed is she who believed that there would be a fulfillment of what was spoken to her from the Lord." Today, I want to remind you that God speaks His blessing over you. He speaks His plans, His purpose, and His love into your life. Through His Word, in your heart, through prophecies, and visions—God is always speaking. But it is your faith that activates His promises. When you believe that what God has spoken will be fulfilled, you will indeed be blessed.

You may not see the signs immediately, but remember when God has spoken, it will come to pass. I declare in Jesus' name that everything God has promised in your life will be fulfilled. God calls things that are not as though they are, and what is impossible with man is possible with God. "If you believe, you will see the glory of God." He promises that a little one shall become a thousand and a small one, a mighty nation. God says, "I will love you. I will bless you. I will multiply you. I will increase you." His blessing is coming upon you right now—an increase is coming in Jesus' name, and a double portion is on its way to you.

Let me share a beautiful testimony of God's faithfulness. Juliet from Nagercoil was married but did not have a child for eight long years. She faced immense shame; some even avoided her because of her situation. The strain of childlessness brought tension into her marriage. Despite visiting many hospitals and undergoing countless tests, all results came back normal, and no one could help them. Their hearts were broken, and their hope was fading.

During this time, we conducted a Partners Meeting in Tirunelveli. As I prayed for each partner individually, I reached Juliet. I declared, "God will give you a child next year." Miraculously, she conceived shortly after, and the following year, she gave birth to a beautiful baby girl. She enrolled her daughter in the Young Partners Plan. Her daughter, now grown, joined sports activities and won prizes, and she has always been number one, bringing joy to the family. Today, they are blessed, filled with God's joy, and living testimonies of His faithfulness.

So, be encouraged—blessed are you who believe that God will fulfill what He has spoken over you. Your season of increase, blessing, and fulfillment is coming. Keep believing, for God's promises are always true.

Dear Lord, I thank You for the precious promises You have spoken over my life. You want me to trust You beyond my circumstances. You are a promise-keeping God, and Your Word declares that You are true and faithful and that in You, there is no deceit. All Your promises are "yes" and "amen" in Christ. Even when I don't see immediate signs of change, I choose to place my trust in You, for You are the God who makes everything beautiful in its time. Help me, Lord, to hold on to You in faith, especially when the path is difficult. I pray that I will reap a hundredfold blessing from Your loving hands as I continue to walk in faith and trust in Your perfect timing. I rest entirely in Your promises, knowing that You are always working for my good.  In Jesus’ name, I pray, Amen.