Dear friend, there is great hope for us today, as God is ready to speak to us directly. So, receive this word. It's from Exodus 14:14, where the Bible says, “The Lord will fight for you; you only have to be silent.” What an incredible promise this is!

Today, you might be facing competition in your business, with others trying to bring it down or push you towards loss. Maybe someone is fighting for your job, using various tactics to put you down. You might be in pain because of this. But remember, our role is not to make enemies or retaliate using their methods. This verse tells us, “You only need to be silent as the Lord fights for you.” Our victory doesn't come from fighting them directly; it comes from fighting in prayer. Instead of battling in the physical world, we must say, “Lord, You fight for me.” Fight on your knees, my friend.

We have learned to do just that. In every battle we have faced, whether in Jesus Calls or Karunya, the Lord has risen up, gone before us, and granted us complete victory. In the battles of old, the Lord would fight for His army, for His people, creating confusion among the enemies until they destroyed each other. God performs amazing acts!

I recall a testimony of a mother and daughter who came to pray. The mother told me, “My husband is gone, and we have no idea where he is. My daughter and her father are completely separated. Please pray.” So, I prayed with them. The next month, to our amazement, the husband had returned out of the blue, and he said, “I want to live with you.” The Lord fought for them as they fought in prayer. Pray and receive your miracle today. The Lord will fight for you.   

Dear Lord, I come before You today, laying down all my burdens at Your feet. I thank You for Your incredible promise that You will fight my battles and bring me victory. Help me to trust You completely, to be still and silent in faith, knowing that You are working on my behalf. When I face challenges in any area of my life, let me not be consumed by fear or the tactics of others. Instead, remind me to turn to You in prayer, to fight on my knees and surrender all to You. Just as You fought for Your people in the Bible, I believe You will fight for me now. Defeat my enemies, Lord, and bring Your peace and restoration into every broken situation. I trust You, Jesus. Thank You for being my Defender. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.