Dear friend, It's a great joy to share God's word with you today, my precious friend. Today's promise is from Psalm 75:10, which says, "The horns of the righteous shall be lifted up." God is surely going to raise you from the situation you are in today.

I would like to share a wonderful testimony with you. A sister named Salsa was carrying her younger daughter when her husband passed away. She and her eldest son had no place to stay after that, and they were living in a small hut. It was there that she delivered her second child. She brought up her children in very difficult circumstances, often having no food to eat. She had to do odd jobs to earn money, literally working as a daily wage earner, a coolie. During this challenging time, she heard about Jesus Calls and was blessed through the prayers offered there. She started supporting the ministry with her meager earnings. As she began to give to God's ministry and care for others, God started blessing her. She watched the Jesus Calls TV programs at her neighbor's house. Every time I prayed, she would ask, "Will not a miracle take place in my life?" One day, as I was bringing God's word, the Holy Spirit spoke to her directly through my words: "God is going to lift you up now. God's will is going to be perfected in your life."

Those words were like a soothing balm to her heart. After those prayers, God started working in her life. Her eldest son began a business with his friends. Eventually, he branched out into his own business, and God blessed the family. They now have their own house, bringing great joy and amazement to everyone around them. Truly, God lifted them up. My friend, God will do the same for you. The Bible says He is the lifter of our heads. In the places where you have experienced shame, humiliation, and poverty, God will lift you up. Yes, that's why Jesus humbled Himself to the cross, even unto death, so that He would understand your agony and have the power to lift you up.

Dear Heavenly Father, I come before You today with a heart full of gratitude and hope. Thank You for Your promise that You will lift up the righteous. I believe that You are working in my life, even in the midst of my struggles and challenges. Lord, I ask that You lift me up from my current situation. Strengthen my faith and help me trust in Your perfect timing and plan for my life. I surrender my worries and fears to You, knowing that You are the lifter of my head. Fill me with Your peace and guide me with Your wisdom. Help me to be a blessing to others, even in my own time of need. Thank You for understanding my agony and for Your sacrifice on the cross, which gives me hope and assurance that You are always with me. In Jesus' name, I pray. Amen.