Dear friend, the promise from Nehemiah 8:10 declares, "For the joy of the Lord is your strength." Our God is a God full of joy, and the Holy Spirit is the Giver of that joy. Romans 14:17 reminds us that "the kingdom of God has the joy of the Holy Spirit." Also, in John 7:37, Jesus says, "Whoever believes in Me, 'out of his heart will flow rivers of living water,'" which symbolises the rivers of joy and delight that flow from those who receive Jesus as their personal Saviour. The Almighty God draws His strength from the joy that flows out of Him (Nehemiah 8:10).

Paul Johnson from Tirupati shared a powerful testimony. After graduating in 2006, Paul secured a job as a school administrator and soon after got married. God blessed him with two beautiful children. During this time, he attended a Jesus Calls Prophetic Conference, where I was praying for those seeking to be filled with the Holy Spirit. As we prayed, Paul experienced a powerful touch from God, and the Holy Spirit filled him. He received the gift of speaking in new tongues—a true outpouring of joy filled his heart.

After this divine encounter, Paul found tremendous joy and strength in the Lord. He began ministering to others, and everything seemed to be going well. However, in 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic hit, and Paul lost his job. It was a devastating blow for him and his family, and finding another job seemed impossible. He tried starting a business but failed miserably, adding to his struggles. In the midst of this hardship, an ambassador of Jesus Calls encouraged Paul to join the Business Blessing Plan. He followed the advice and visited the Guntur Prayer Tower, where prayer warriors interceded on his behalf. Paul enrolled in the Business Blessing Plan, trusting God for a breakthrough.

In 2023, Paul took a bold step and started another business. This time, God’s hand was upon it. The business began to prosper, and Paul saw his efforts finally bear fruit. He started earning profits, and what once seemed like struggle and sorrow was transformed into joy. God turned his mourning into dancing and restored his family’s hope.

Even today, God desires for you to live a life filled with joy. In the Lord's presence, there is a fullness of joy. But how does this joy come? It flows from the fact that Jesus Himself rejoices over you. Zephaniah 3:17 tells us, "He rejoices over you with singing," affirming that you are His beloved child. His love for you is so immense! Just as the Almighty God declared about Jesus, "You are My beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased," He is also rejoicing over you, saying, "You are My beloved child. I am well pleased with you." As you listen to these tender words of love and acceptance, the joy of the Lord will overwhelm you and fill your heart. May you be enveloped in His joy, and may He bless you abundantly so that your life overflows with the joy of the Lord.

Dear Heavenly Father, thank You for the joy that only You can give. Your Word declares that in Your presence, there is fullness of joy, and at Your right hand are pleasures forevermore. I humbly ask that You fill my heart with this divine joy—joy that strengthens me from within, joy that satisfies my soul in ways nothing else can. I surrender my life completely into Your hands, trusting in Your love and goodness. Lord, I long to feel the joy of knowing that You rejoice over me with singing, that I am Your beloved. Let this joy fill every corner of my life, pouring into every area where I need Your touch. Break down every barrier and open every door that has been shut. Let Your grace and joy overflow in my life, so much so that it touches and uplifts those around me. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.