My dear friend, today we are meditating on Exodus 9:16: "I have raised you up to show you My power so that My name may be proclaimed in all the earth." Accordingly, God raises us up, not just for our own benefit, but to showcase His power and bring glory to His name throughout the world. 

Often, we may find ourselves settling for less, content with simply maintaining our current position, thinking, "If I can just stay in my job until retirement to earn a salary, take care of my family, and keep food on the table, I'll be happy." Or perhaps we aim just to pass our exams, satisfied with minimal achievements. While these desires are natural, this verse calls us to strive for something greater. God's plan for us is far more significant than simply getting by. As we see in this verse, God raises us up to positions of influence and greatness, not for personal gain but so that His name may be glorified. He calls us to shine in our lives, to accomplish extraordinary things for His glory.

Let us look at the life of Joseph. Though he was the second in command of Egypt, he didn't simply serve the people of that nation. God endowed him with wisdom and positioned him strategically so that when famine struck, people from all nations came to Egypt to buy grain. In this way, God's name was glorified through Joseph's leadership and wisdom. The Bible beautifully recounts how God moulded, guided, and prepared Joseph for this monumental task. His influence was felt across the entire earth, and God's power was revealed in his life.

Similarly, look at Esther. As queen, she had the safety and comfort of royal privilege. But when God's people were in grave danger, she didn't remain silent or indifferent, thinking only of her own safety. She used her position to act courageously, saving her people from destruction. And through her bravery, God's name was glorified.

In the same way, God is calling us to rise to greatness, to take positions of influence and to achieve remarkable things, not for our own glory, but so that His name will be lifted high. He desires to use us in ways that will make His power and wisdom known to the world.

So today, let us commit to excellence in all that we do. Strive for the highest marks in your studies, excel in your work, and elevate your businesses to new heights. In everything we undertake, let us perform with integrity and seek the wisdom of God, giving Him all the glory. As Matthew 5:16 says, "Let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven." Today, let your light shine brightly. Let your actions point others to God so that His name will be praised in all the earth. Let us commit ourselves to being used for His glory. 

Dear Lord, I ask for Your wisdom and strength today. Please lift me up from where I am now and help me rise to greater heights. Empower me to give my best in all that I do so that I will be placed in positions of influence and excellence. Let me stand out—not for my own glory, but so that Your light can shine through me and Your name will be glorified throughout the earth. Guide me, Lord, to walk with integrity, and grant me the wisdom to make decisions that honour You. Strengthen my hands and my heart for the work ahead, and provide the help I need to fulfill the purpose You have for me. Bless me, Lord, that I will serve others faithfully and glorify Your name in all that I accomplish. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.