Dear Friend, Today’s promise is from Zephaniah 3:15, where the Lord says, “The LORD, the King of Israel, is with you; never again will you fear any harm.” You may feel surrounded by demons, losses, pain, ingratitude, and weaknesses. But God says, “The King is with you. The King is around you. I am the King of kings. I have defeated death and conquered the powers of darkness, and I am alive. I, Jesus, am with you. Never again will you fear harm. Harm will not touch you. I will be with you to protect you.” Do not be afraid. Harm may come, but God will bring you through it as a beautiful testimony.

I want to share with you one such beautiful testimony of a dear brother, Augustus Prabhu. Even though he knew Jesus, he was far from Him. One day, he found blood in his urine. He was taken to the hospital, where they checked his blood. His platelet count was 780, far below the normal range. The doctor said he was going to die because blood was coming out of his organs. His wife cried, and the fear of death engulfed her. In her agony, his wife ran to a Jesus Calls Prayer Tower and asked for prayers to save her husband. The prayer intercessors cried with her, and one of them said, "Surely the Lord is touching your husband now." At the same time, Augustus felt someone touching him in the ICU. Miraculously, his readings began to change. From 780, they went up to 7000. The doctors were amazed and rejoiced. In a few days, he became perfectly normal and a child of God. Today, they rejoice as a family. You will never see harm again. The King is coming to you.


Dear Lord, I come before You with a heart full of gratitude for Your promise, that You, the King of Israel, are with me and that I will never again need to fear harm. Though I may feel surrounded by darkness, pain, loss, and weakness, I trust that You, the King of kings, are with me. I take comfort in knowing that You, Jesus, are with me. When fear and uncertainty overwhelm me, remind me of Your presence and Your power. Help me to trust that harm will not touch me because You are my protector. Even when challenges arise, I believe You will bring me through them, turning my trials into a beautiful testimony of Your grace and power. Thank You for strengthening me through Your promise. In Jesus' name, I pray. Amen.