My dear friend. It’s such a joy to greet you in God’s name today. The verse of promise for today is Lamentations 3:25, “The Lord is good to those who wait for Him, to the soul who seeks Him.” Have you been waiting for the Lord for a long time? Or perhaps you've been waiting for a miracle? The Lord promises that He is good to those who wait. He will grant you a miracle today and answer all your prayers.

Today, we also celebrate the 41st anniversary of the Jesus Calls Prayer Tower ministry. I’m sure many of you have been touched by the ministry through our prayer towers. There are over 100 Prayer Towers throughout India, where prayer intercessors pray for people and wipe their tears.

Let me share a personal story about how this ministry has affected my life. One day, as I was leaving college to visit my aunt’s house, it was after six o’clock, and it was getting dark. I was traveling a route I had never taken before, relying on Google Maps. Suddenly, my phone battery dropped to 1% and then shut off. I was lost and scared, unsure of what to do. I prayed, “Lord, I’m lost. I don’t know what to do.” I was near the highway in Vanagaram when, out of nowhere, I saw the Jesus Calls Vanagaram Prayer Tower on my left. I realized this was an answer to my prayer. Forgetting about my visit to my aunt’s place, I went directly to the Prayer Tower, entered the chapel, and thanked God. The Prayer Tower has been such a blessing to so many people, and many prayers have been answered through our Telephone Prayer Towers. Our prayers have been fulfilled, and we want to thank the Prayer Towers.

Similarly, the Lord promises that He will answer all your prayers today. Proverbs 18:10 says, “The name of the Lord is a strong tower; the righteous run into it and are safe.” Today, as you wait for your blessing from the Lord—whether it’s the blessing of a child or the hope that your child will turn away from bad behavior—receive your blessing and miracle from God. 

Lord Jesus, I come before You with a heart full of hope and expectation. I trust in Your promise that You are good to those who wait for You and seek You diligently. As I stand on the edge of my prayers and dreams, I ask for Your miraculous intervention and guidance. Grant me the blessing I’ve been waiting for and the answers to my deepest needs. Help me to recognize Your hand in my life, just as I saw Your presence in my time of need before. Thank You for the comfort and strength You provide through Your prayer intercessors. Today, I receive Your blessing and believe in Your promise of safety and fulfillment. In Jesus' name, Amen.