My precious friend, Jesus, says in Matthew 5:13, "You are the salt of the earth." The Lord has chosen you to be the salt of the earth. Just as salt brings flavour to food and preserves it, you bring life and flavour to people through the life-giving power of Jesus. There are times when we lose everything in our lives. During those times, as we become the "salt of the earth" by providing life-giving power through Jesus to others, God brings "salt" (blessings) into our lives. 

Let me share this wonderful testimony with you. Reuben, a resident of Mumbai, had a thriving coaching class business. He invested everything he owned—his properties and all his savings—into building this venture. But when COVID-19 struck, everything changed. The business collapsed, and with it, all his money was lost. On top of that, he had a huge bank loan, adding to his burdens. Reuben struggled to keep his family afloat, relying on his wife's job to help cover the debt. But then, she too lost her job, plunging the family into even deeper financial distress. As if things couldn't get worse, another tragedy struck. Reuben's own brother came and took over his property and his house in an unjust manner. The situation seemed utterly hopeless. It was during this dark time that Reuben attended a Prophetic Conference we organised in Delhi. I had no prior knowledge of Reuben's plight, but during the conference, the Holy Spirit moved me to call out his name, and I prophetically said what the Lord had spoken to me: "Reuben, God will bless you financially. All your debts will be cleared, and your property will be restored." Upon hearing these words, Reuben was overwhelmed with joy. He believed wholeheartedly in the prophecy, and all his burdens seemed to vanish as he prayed, "Lord, I believe You will fulfill the prophecy given through Dr. Paul." Miraculously, within three months, Reuben's brother called him and said, "I am returning your property." Not only was his property restored, but Reuben also managed to pay off all his debts. God blessed him abundantly and secured his financial future. Today, Reuben serves as the manager of the Jesus Calls Prayer Tower in Bandra, Mumbai, where God is using him mightily in ministry.

Recently, a doctor named Dr. Sachin, a professor at a government medical college in Pune, came to the Prayer Tower seeking help. For sixteen long years, he had been deprived of a promotion and faced continuous harassment from his seniors. Reuben understood his pain and agony, and prayed earnestly for him to Jesus. Amazingly, God answered the prayers, and Dr. Sachin finally received his long-awaited promotion.

My friend, you are the "salt of the earth." When you feel like saying, "All my salt, all my joy is lost," become "God's salt" to others (the broken-hearted people). God will bring back "salt" (blessings) into your life. Would you be willing to surrender yourself to the Lord?

Dear Heavenly Father, thank You for choosing me to be the salt of this earth. I must confess that it is quite difficult to be the salt that You would expect me to be because of the many trials that keep hitting me from all angles. But today, Lord, I am choosing to commit myself to the calling You have for me by becoming Your salt that will add Your life-giving flavour to other broken lives. Please equip me for this calling through Your Holy Spirit so that I will be pure in heart and be a blessing to others, leading by example. Thank You for listening to this prayer. I believe that You will transform me to live a salt-like life full of Your flavour so that others will be able to taste You and see that You are good. I n Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.