Dear friend, Lord Jesus is waiting to bless you according to the promise from Psalm 34:22. The Bible says, "The LORD will rescue his servants; no one who takes refuge in him will be condemned." The Lord’s servants are those who do the will of God and are close to His heart. The Bible acknowledges that even these servants may fall, as sin can affect anyone. When drawn by the desires of the flesh and sin, they may stray into the path of death. However, this verse reassures us that the Lord is still merciful. It is amazing how merciful He remains towards them.

Today, you might be saying, "Oh, I've done something against the Lord. I've allowed sin to blind me and take me away from Him. Why did I get into this? Now I feel so dark and full of self-loathing. Why did I get into this?" My friend, even in this situation, when you are searching for hope and redemption, the Lord says that He redeems the life of His servants. None of those who take refuge in Him will be condemned. This is a great promise. When the punishment for sin is ordered against you, the blood of Jesus will intercede, saying, "No, let the punishment come upon Me. Let it come upon Me. Let Me take the punishment of sin. Let My child not suffer." We have to thank Jesus for this. For all those who take refuge in Him, the Bible warns that when we knowingly sin against the Lord, we are stamping on the blood of Jesus.

Yet, His mercy is so abundant that, even amidst our sin, His blood still comes between and saves us. That's how Samson cried out, "Lord, remember me one more time," when he fell into sin. Show me mercy. The Lord shows mercy to those who cry out to Him, to those who take refuge in Him. You will not be condemned. He will transform you from this way of sin and fill you with His life.


Dear Lord Jesus, I come before You today, grateful for Your promise. I thank You for being my refuge and for assuring me that I will not be condemned when I take shelter in You. I acknowledge that I have fallen and allowed sin to lead me astray. I feel the weight of my actions and the darkness they have brought into my life. Yet, I hold onto Your mercy, knowing that You are always ready to forgive and restore me. Lord, I am deeply sorry for my sins. I ask for Your forgiveness and for the strength to turn away from them. I am amazed and thankful that Your blood intercedes for me, taking upon Yourself the punishment that was meant for me. Thank You for Your incredible love and sacrifice. Please, Lord, remember me and show me mercy as You did for Samson. Transform my life, fill me with Your light, and guide me back to Your path. I take refuge in You, trusting in Your promise that I will not be condemned. Thank You, Jesus, for Your unending grace and mercy. In Your sweet name, I pray. Amen.