My precious friend, today's promise is from Isaiah 65:14, "Behold, My servants shall sing for gladness of heart." Take heart! God calls you "His servant". As a partner with the Jesus Calls Ministry, you are serving God. Through your partnership, millions of people's tears are wiped away. Each offering you give and every prayer you make as a volunteer in the Prayer Tower is counted as a pleasing "sacrifice" by God. The Lord accepts it and brings miracles to the people for whom we pray. He certainly remembers you, my friend. 

Here, the verse says, “My servants, that is you, shall sing for gladness of heart.” In Zephaniah 3:17, the Bible says, “The Lord rejoices over you with singing.” Yes, He rejoices over you because you are the reason for Him to bring miracles to the people. You are opening the television waves, the social media, the public meetings, the magazines and books, and the letters and Emails for the Ministry. You are enabling millions of phone calls for us to pray for people individually. The Lord rejoices over you for your offering and your joint prayers with us. As He rejoices over you, you will have overflowing joy in your heart and experience gladness in your family. You will be made to sing with a joyous heart.  

I want to share this beautiful testimony from one of our ardent partners, Sis. Jaya Selvi and her husband, Anbalagan. Their daughter was studying in a Tamil medium school. When she went to college, everything was in English, and she found it difficult to understand and write the exams. The parents didn't know what to do, so they decided to make her a Young Partner with Jesus Calls. The Lord has promised to give the Young Partners wisdom, and after becoming a Young Partner, she gained confidence and did very well in her exams. Their son had studied very well but never got a job. So, the parents enrolled him also as a Young Partner and continued supporting the Jesus Calls Ministry as a Young Partner. God blessed him with an excellent job.

Then, the parents prayed for their children to get married; amazingly, both children got married very soon. The parents were then concerned about having grandchildren, so they enrolled their unborn grandchildren beforehand as Young Partners. The Lord blessed their son's and daughter's family lives, and they were blessed with their children. Today, the grandchildren are studying well. The Lord's favour and blessings have been passed down from generation to generation. Today, their children also support the Young Partners Plan, and there is overflowing joy in the family as they all follow Jesus righteously. God will do the same for your family. You are the servant of the Living God as the partner of the Jesus Calls Ministry. God will bring gladness to your heart.

Heavenly Father, thank You for calling me “Your servant.” I am grateful for this higher calling over my life. I pray that You will help me to walk worthy of this calling. Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable to You so that You can rejoice over me with gladness. Bless all that I do, my finances, my family life, and enlarge my territory so that I can give more to Your ministry and Your people for the progression of the Gospel throughout the world. Lord, as I dedicate my life and commit to supporting Your work, I believe that You will enable me to experience great joy in my heart and gladness in my family. Let Your light shine through every darkness and enable me to sing with gladness of heart.  In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.