Dear friend, today, we are going to meditate on Proverbs 10:6, which says, "Blessings crown the head of the righteous, but violence overwhelms the mouth of the wicked." Here, the crown on the head of the righteous represents honour, dignity, and divine favour. In Israel, when they want to honour someone, they pour anointing oil on the person's head. This act signifies respect and adds dignity to the individual. Likewise, the Lord desires to honour you. That is why the Bible says in Psalm 5:12, "The Lord blesses the righteous and surrounds them with the shield of His favour."
God’s blessing is His favour. He not only places His hand upon our head to bless us, but He also surrounds us with a shield of His favour, ensuring that no harm will come near us. Though ten thousand may fall at our side, nothing shall harm us. No weapon formed against us shall prevail. When the Lord blessed Job, He placed a hedge of protection around him. Because Job was a righteous man, blameless before God, the Lord not only protected him but also his home and his property. That is why satan entered the presence of God and asked, "Lord, did You not put a wall of protection around Job, around his home, and his property? Did You not make him prosper? Look how rich he is!"
Yes, when God blesses us, no evil will come near us. Moreover, His blessing flows from generation to generation. That is why the Bible says in Isaiah 44:3, "A faithful man will abound with blessings." This is the abundance the Lord bestows upon the righteous. On the contrary, Proverbs 10:6 also warns us that "Violence covers the mouth of the wicked." A wicked person is one who does not know the Lord. It is his own language that causes harm. In Psalm 64:8, the Bible says, "Their own tongue shall ruin them. All who see them will shake their heads." That is why a man or woman of God must be reverent and not have a double tongue. As I Timothy 3:8 teaches, sometimes the wisest thing to do is to hold our tongue. When we are angry, it is better to remain silent so that we may be recognised by our character.
Let us humble ourselves before God and pray, saying, "Lord, take control of my mouth." As Jesus says in Matthew 5:5, when we are meek, the Lord blesses us. "Blessings crown the head of the righteous, but violence covers the mouth of the wicked." What a privilege it is to be crowned with God’s blessing! Always remember, you are a son or daughter of the King of Kings!
Dear Heavenly Father, thank You for Your abundant blessings that crown the heads of the righteous. I humbly come before You, seeking honour, dignity, and divine favour in my life. Surround me with the shield of Your favour, just as You protected Job, ensuring that no harm comes near me, my home, or my loved ones. Lord, I trust in Your promises that no weapon formed against me shall prevail. Let Your blessings flow through me and extend to my future generations so that I can abound in Your goodness. Please help me to be meek so that I can inherit the blessings You have prepared for me. Let my words bring life and not harm. I believe that You have crowned me with all Your blessings and have surrounded me with Your divine protection. In Jesus’ name, I pray, Amen.