Dear friend, in Psalm 107:9, the Bible says, “He satisfies the longing soul, and the hungry soul He fills with good things.” Today, surely, the Lord will satisfy all your longings.

The world always desires for something more. The things of this world may seem enticing, but they will ultimately fail you. True satisfaction seems to be spiritual. The Bible says in III John 2 that you will prosper physically as your soul prospers. Let us desire more of God. Let us say, "Lord, I am not satisfied with my past achievements. I need more of you, God." The Lord loves it when you say that. This is supported by Psalm 34:10, which says, "Those who seek the Lord lack no good thing." You will not lack any good thing that God has. He will satisfy your desires because you are the Lord's beloved. Do not be discouraged, dear friend. Today, this is going to happen.  

Only God can truly satisfy the spiritual needs of humankind. While material possessions are important for living in this world, seeking God's presence first can lead to blessings in all aspects of life. It's okay to ask for spiritual blessings from God, but it's important not to compare oneself to others.

When I was a young preacher, I used to ask God, "Lord, I want to be used by You just like my husband. He's so bold, and he shakes his hand like this when he preaches. I should be like that." That was my prayer. But then a dear prophet visited us and told me, "Evangeline, don't ask God to use you just like your husband. God uses you in a unique way. Of course, you speak softly, but the Lord will listen to even your whispers. The Lord will use you to teach many women." She said many other things and encouraged me.

My friend, don't compare yourself with others. God never gives up on you. He will certainly satisfy you because, as in John 4:10, the Bible says, "He will be your living water. He will quench your thirst." In John 6:35, "He is the bread of life. Whoever comes to Him will never go hungry." He will have to satisfy you today. He will satisfy your longing soul, your hungry soul, and increase you.

Heavenly Father, thank You for Your faithful promise. You alone are the true source of satisfaction for my soul, the only One who can fill the deepest longings of my heart. I come to You, seeking Your living waters, knowing that only You can quench my spiritual thirst. Let Your Spirit flow within me like rivers in a dry and weary land, bringing life where there is barrenness. As You have promised, "Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be filled," fill me, Lord, with Your righteousness and nourish me with Your Word. I trust that even in the wilderness of life, You will bring forth streams of living water, quenching all my thirst and filling me to overflowing. In Jesus’ name, I pray, Amen.