My dear friend, it's a joy to greet you this morning. Today, we are meditating on I Samuel 2:8: "He raises up the poor from the dust; He lifts the needy from the ash heap to make them sit with princes." What a beautiful verse! Today, God will do that for you and make you sit with princes. This was a prayer that a mother named Hannah prayed while dedicating her son Samuel to the Lord's service.

Hannah, as vowed to the Lord, dedicated her son, Samuel, to His service. He grew up in the temple of God and eventually became a prophet of Israel. Samuel led the nation of Israel by providing divine guidance to the people. He also anointed kings by sitting with them, counselling them and helping them to rule the nation of Israel according to God's plan. When Hannah prayed this prayer for her son, she may not have known what his future held. But God chose her to prophesy over Samuel's life and did exactly as she had prophesied, making him a leader and a prophet of Israel who was instrumental in bringing God's plan to the people.

My friend, a mother's prayer is precious. God makes them come to pass. Today, you may be praying over your children and crying for their future. God will lift them from the ash heap and elevate them by making them sit with princes and position them in influential places in this nation. So don't be afraid. Don't be discouraged. Today, God will raise you up, make you sit with kings and prophesy His plan to the people, thus bringing it to fruition. Let's receive this blessing today for our lives and our children.

Loving Lord, I know that You are listening to every prayer that I am praying. As You have promised, lift me up from the ash heap and make me sit with the princes. Help me to shine in all that I do and enable me to rise high in this nation and to be a blessing to the whole world. Although my present situation crushes me, I believe with all my heart that You will lift me up with Your mighty hand and make me into a leader who will prophesy Your plans and proclaim Your word. Please use me as a testimony of Your goodness. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.