Dear friend, today, we are in the presence of God, so there is no need to worry. This is the right place, and we are going to listen to God's voice through Psalm 112:2. He is here to bless us through this verse, which says, "His offspring will be mighty in the land; the generation of the upright will be blessed." This is true! As we strive to be righteous and upright before God, a "mighty blessing" will come upon our offspring, making them powerful in the land. I pray that God fulfills this for all of your children, including your spiritual children, those whom you teach, and those who work under you. May they all become mighty in the land. Amen.  

Psalm 127:3 says, "Children are a reward from God." I understand that you may be striving for righteousness, enduring suffering in faith and patience, and not giving up on Jesus. You may be steadfast in your pursuit of righteousness. It's all worth it, my friend, because "those who sow in tears will reap with joy." Your tears of sowing will bring joy and blessings in the lives of your children. You will reap all the blessings in their lives as they become mighty. I know that even women who are poor still come and give offerings to Jesus in the Jesus Calls Ministry. Amidst their lack, they have faith that God will bless their family and their children will rise to great heights. Miraculously, their children pursue bachelor's and master's degrees, secure high-paying jobs, and rise to great heights. God remembers your children for all the suffering and sacrifices you make for Jesus. 

God has taught me that in order to make Katie's life blessed, I need to humble myself and live more holier and do what is right for Jesus. The more I strive to do this, the more I see God's grace increasing in her life. So, even if your children have gone astray, my friend, it's not too late. Let's humble ourselves, strive for holiness, and commit ourselves to Jesus. The more we do for Him, the more God will help our children grow, blossom and transform. Would you accept this blessing?

Thank You, Lord, for Your great grace upon my offspring. May Your mighty anointing come upon them. May deliverance come into their lives. May every sin that is holding them back leave, and may every demonic temptation and distraction leave as well. Lord, thank You for giving them the grace to shine and excel in this world with tremendous wisdom, anointing, power, and talent. Thank You for making them rise up to be 'mighty in the land'. Please help them break forth from all their challenges and give them victory after victory. Thank You for the patience You have bestowed upon me to hold firm to Your love and guide my family towards Your path. I pray that my love for You will always continue so that I will be equipped with Your holiness and be a shining light to my children and to those around me. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.