My precious friend, in Matthew 9:22, Jesus turns to the woman with the issue of blood and says, "Daughter, your faith has made you well." Today, Jesus is turning to look at you and your painful situation. This woman had suffered for 12 long years with the issue of blood. She had tried all the doctors, spent all her money, and yet found no healing. For 12 years she endured, perhaps weak and weary, maybe even ashamed, unable to do anything. But Jesus turned and looked at her.

Maybe you find yourself in a similar situation today, having lost everything. But know this—Jesus is turning to look at you right now. The Giver of life is turning to you. The One who restores, who has compassion, is turning His eyes toward you. And He says, "My son, My daughter, be bold, be encouraged, be comforted. Your faith has made you well." Despite your weakness, shame, losses, curses, and the attacks of darkness, you have come to Jesus with faith. And He says, "Your faith has already made you well." As soon as Jesus spoke these words, the woman was healed, and new life flowed into her. The Lord extends the same grace to you today. Be healed in Jesus’ name, according to your faith.

Here is a beautiful testimony of God’s healing power. A lady named Janita had terrible problems with her womb and had been bleeding for a long time. The doctor told her, "Your womb is always open. For others, it opens only for seven days, but for you, it’s open all the time. That’s why you are suffering." She came to Chennai for surgery, but while staying with a relative, that person said, "Let’s go to the Jesus Calls Prayer Tower." They went to the Tambaram Prayer Tower in Chennai, where the prayer intercessors anointed her with oil and prayed for her. She took that oil, which symbolises the blood of Jesus Christ, in faith. Amazingly, the bleeding stopped, and she was healed. Today, without needing surgery, she is completely well. Thank you, Jesus! "Dearly beloved, your faith has made you whole."

Dear Lord, I come before You today, just as the woman with the issue of blood did, knowing that You see my pain and suffering. You are the Giver of life, the One who restores, and I believe that You are turning Your compassionate eyes toward me right now. Just as You healed her after 12 long years, I trust in Your power to heal and restore me. In the midst of my weakness, shame, and losses, I place my faith in You. I hold onto Your promise, knowing that my faith in You makes me whole. Thank You for Your grace and mercy that flows into my life. I receive Your healing touch today. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.