My dear friend, I have good news from the scripture to share with you today. God has an encouraging and strengthening word for you. It's from Psalm 33:12, "Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord, the people whom He has chosen as His heritage!"  

I often used to ponder, "Lord, where would I be without You? If You hadn't called me, and if You had only been with my grandparents and parents, leaving me out, I would have had no name, no wealth, and no purpose. Without this great calling, what would I have been doing, Lord? Without being useful in Your hands, I would have done nothing for anybody." I am always grateful for His call over my life. And my friend, you are also blessed because God has chosen you. The promise verse says, "The people whom He has chosen as His heritage." This means that God has selected you as part of the group of people whom He wants for Himself. 

In our physical education classes, our teachers would choose two boys and say, "You pick your teams." Typically, they would select the best players first, leaving the weakest players to be chosen last. But if we look at God, we can see that He hasn't chosen the descendants of kings, the wealthiest, or the most accomplished individuals. Instead, He has chosen each one of us individually and wants to transform us into mighty warriors. He has given His life for us, His inheritance, to ensure our protection. He desires for our souls to be safe and for us to live in His joy. Who else would sacrifice their life for their chosen inheritance but God? He not only selected us but also gave His life for us. That's why the verse says, "Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord." Shall we thank Him?


Loving Lord, thank You for choosing me to be Your inheritance. I belong to You always, and You are the greatest blessing I can have in my life. I am so happy to realise that I am on Your team, the Victor's team. You gave Your life for me by shedding Your blood on the cross to safeguard me and to make sure my path is blessed, my end is prosperous, and I get to live with You always, until eternity. Thank You, Lord, for my life, my future, and everything else are taken care of and secure in Your care as I am Your chosen inheritance. Please help me to remain grateful to You always for this wonderful gift You have given me. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.