My dear friend, today we are meditating on Isaiah 30:19, “He will surely be gracious to you at the sound of your cry. As soon as He hears it, He answers you.”

Today, you might be wondering if anyone knows the suffering I'm going through. I have so much heartache; I cry myself to sleep every night. How am I supposed to go on? How can I overcome the obstacles in my life? Take heart, my friend! There is hope for you.

That is what happened in the life of a missionary in China named Gladys Aylward. She was facing a difficult time as the local authorities demanded her to surrender her orphanage and leave China. Devastated, she wept uncontrollably, feeling hopeless and helpless. She desperately cried out to God, "Lord, I don't know what to do. Please help me." After this small prayer, she fell asleep from exhaustion. 

The following morning, Gladys received an unexpected visit from a high-ranking government official who informed her that the authorities had reversed their decision. The orphanage could remain, and Gladys could continue her work. She was so happy, and she realised that God had answered her tear-filled prayers just as He promised.

In the same way, God is gracious to you, my friend. He sees your tears and is ready to answer your prayers. He will respond to all your requests and burdens. You don't have to wonder who sees you when you cry because God is there to listen and answer your prayers. Let's believe and receive a miracle from God right now.

Precious heavenly Father, I am so grateful for Your loving promise today. Thank You for assuring me that You see my every tear and hear my cries. Thank You for always standing by my side. You never leave me nor forsake me. Thank You for being so faithful to me; for comforting me in my afflictions. I know You have collected my tears in your bottle and are waiting to bring answers to every one of them. Your word says those who sow in tears shall reap in joy. I believe that You are turning my tears of sorrow into dancing and rejoicing, for You are true to Your promises. I look forward to receiving a miracle from Your loving hands. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.