My precious friend, today's promise is from Romans 8:31, which declares, "If God is for us, who can be against us?" Accordingly, the Lord is with you, and He is on your side. If God be for you, then who can be against you?

You belong to the Lord because He has bought you with His blood. He has engraved you in the palm of His hands. Will He ever forget you? People may fight against you, but they will not succeed because the Lord is on your side. Today, He says to you, "I will go before you. I will make the crooked path straight. I will give you the treasures that are hidden. I will give you the riches that are in secret places" (Isaiah 45:2 & 3). He promises, "My child, nobody can overcome you by being against you" because He is with you. Therefore, do not be afraid.

A sister named Bhuvaneswari shared her testimony thus: A friend of her husband's had acted as a very good friend initially, but he ended up taking their valuable house (worth in crores) as a surety for a small amount of money he had lent to her husband. He then claimed the house as his own, causing them to vacate. Devastated, they went to court to fight for their home, but the legal battle lasted for 20 years. Tragically, her husband passed away during this time.

Someone suggested she visit the Jesus Calls Prayer Tower in her city. She attended the Fasting Prayer, which is held every Tuesday, and cried out to God to break her bondage and to get back her home. A miracle happened immediately! A lawyer, completely unknown to her, approached her and offered to take up her case. He ran her case, and the judge ruled in her favour. The man who had cheated her came back, offering to return the house in exchange for a little more money. She was able to reclaim her home and now lives there. My friend, what a wonderful testimony! If God be for us, who can be against us?

Heavenly Father, thank You for Your loving promise. Your love for me is greater and stronger than any other. You have bought me with Your precious blood and have made me Your own. Nothing that is happening in my life is without Your knowledge. Lord, as you have promised, show everyone that You are with me. Fight this battle that I am going through, and help me emerge victoriously. Lord, please go before me and make every crooked path straight for me. I believe that if You are with me, nothing can harm me because You watch over me always. Thank You, Lord, for standing up for me and fighting my battle. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.